
Assemblyman Angelo Morinello
Senator Mario Mattera
Vice President

Assemblyman Ed Ra
The New York Conference of Italian-American State Legislators is a not-for-profit 501 c3 organization. We are a bipartisan Conference comprised of Assembly and Senate members. In our work, we host events, provide annual scholarships, and promote Italian heritage and well-being of Italian-Americans and Italian organizations in New York State.

A s s e m b l y
Joe Angelino
Michael Benedetto
Alex Bores
Ari Brown
William Colton
Joe DeStefano
Michael Durso
Jarett Gandolfo
Jodi Giglio
Donna Lupardo
William Magnarelli
John McDonald
John Mikulin
Sam Pirozzolo
Phil Palmesano
Angelo Santabarbara
Jo Anne Simon
Al Stirpe
S e n a t e
Joe Addabbo
George Borrello
Patricia Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick
Patrick Gallivan
Joe Griffo
Peter Harckham
Andrew Lanza
Rob Ortt
Anthony Palumbo
Steve Rhoads
Jessica Scarcella-Spanton
Jim Tedisco
Associate Members
Keith Brown
Marianne Buttenschon
Brian Maher
Amy Paulin
Michael Reilly
Steve Stern
Jake Ashby
April Baskin
Pamela Helming
Monica Martinez
Bill Weber